i won't translate each post/article.
i've added some additional info as well as my own personal thoughts at the end of this post.
so Luhan announced on weibo he's dating Guan Xiao Tong
Hello everyone. Let me introduce to you all. This is my girlfriend @Guan Xiao Tong. |
and she responded
aiya, kaka! @Luhan |
it has been confirmed by his manager/studio who also requested privacy
fans have since brought up evidence of their relationship
couple hat
couple watch (on the same day)
couple bracelet (on the same day)
same location
Guan Xiao Tong recorded a song with someone Luhan normally works with.
And on that day he posted a picture on Instagram with the headphones emoji (so I guess hinting to her that he's listening to it)
Guan Xiao Tong liked a post about a fanfic of Luhan on weibo but quickly undid the like
every look is obviously evidence now lol |
COMMENTS: 11000+
1. [+17174] Why is weibo so laggy? Is it just me?
2. [+5953] Luhan has said if he has a girlfriend he would make it public. He won't hide it. He's really done it. Beijing men, so honest! Not bad
3. [+4507] Weibo is so laggy
![[拜拜] [拜拜]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/70/88_org.gif)
![[拜拜] [拜拜]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/70/88_org.gif)
4. [+3219] Luhan said if he has a girlfriend he would make it public. He's said it and done it!
5. [+3478] Chao ge
[T/N: referring to Deng Chao], quickly return the phone to Luhan
1. [+14738] The man I admire the most and the woman I despise the most are together
2. [+5019] Luhan really is a man. Dating him must be sweet.... (when will weibo be fine
![[费解] [费解]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/3c/moren_feijie_org.png)
![[费解] [费解]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/3c/moren_feijie_org.png)
![[费解] [费解]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/3c/moren_feijie_org.png)
3. [+4094] Is Luhan as tall as Guan Xiao Tong
4. [+4434] Together with Guan. Luhan gone so low.
[T/N: he's out of her league]
5. [+1893] Together everyone fell out of love

Two months without food and you'll lose 15 kgs. You can't have be heartbroken and gain weight. Girls we must be beautiful to steal our Luhan ge back

1. [+32675] I've thought of a lot of people but I've never thought of Guan Xiao Tong.
2. [+23776] I think I understand. Luhan and Guan Xiao Tong are to test weibo's software.
3. [+2388] I can't like Guan Xiao Tong. I've never thought they would be together. But I still congratulate them.
4. [+2891] I object to their relationship!
5. [+1965] weibo has been lagging for the past 20mins. I better hurry and congratulate Luhan. Finally a face slapping
[T/N: it's a positive phrase] mainland couple. You have to be blessed!!!!
1. [_24950] I feel sorry for Dilireba. Before this Luhan's fans hated her so much
2. [+12063] On September 8 Joker Xue got back together with Gao Lei Xin
. On October 8 Luhan and Guan Xiao Tong got together. Let's guess who it'll be on November 8
![[doge] [doge]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/b6/doge_org.gif)
![[doge] [doge]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/b6/doge_org.gif)
3. [+11411] I've thought of a lot of people but I've never thought of Guan Xiao Tong.
4. [+6671] Before Luhan announced this relationship Dilireba's fans did not stop hating Luhan. Luhan's studio has released statements multiple times saying it was just program editing. But the other party bought comments. It was Dilireba who personally posted couple-like photos. Luhan has already announced his relationship, please let him go. Think about it. It was your Dilireba who tried to mediaplay with Luhan. Let go of Luhan
5. [+3677] Running Man is filmed over 12 days but he was held hostage for a whole 6 months. The recently established Luhan studio kept saying there was nothing going on. But the female celebrity who lives off mediaplay and who's name has four characters kept the act up. Can't you tell who's famous? Who's sticking to who for mediaplay can't you see? Constantly putting out your four characters. Those four characters have detracted from Luhan and his works. Can you let go of Luhan?
the general gist of some other comments:
- is this a hack/rumour (before it was confirmed)
- are they mediaplaying for their drama
- Luhan is prettier than her
- she's going to get so much hate now
some additional context you may find helpful:
- they've supposedly been dating since January. so perhaps Zhou Wei the paparazzi was onto something when he said Luhan was in a relationship.
- Guan Xiao Tong was born in 1997. so there's a 7 year age difference.
- Guan Xiao Tong is a child actor. she's been in the industry since she was 4 years old. so she is a recognised face but overtime (in the past couple of years) the public has been growing to dislike her more and more. i think this is because she seems to mediaplay (honestly not too sure. but i've never translated an article about her because the comments were always about how they don't like her as much now cos she's always in the media but not for her works so they don't understand why she's in the media therefore it must be mediaplay)
- they were recently filming a drama together - Sweet Combat, which is set to air in 2018. one could assume that's how they got to know each other. they were supposedly very sweet while filming.
- she also filmed a drama with Lay - To Be A Better Man, so perhaps they met through him (but I doubt it)
- some media outlets call Guan Xiao Tong the nation's daughter. i personally don't consider her to be the nation's daughter. the media is weird. unlike Korea where the nation title is quite exclusive and widely recognised by everyone i feel like only some people consider Guan Xiao Tong to be the nation's daughter (and she's not the only person who gets called that).
personal thoughts if anyone is interested: (be warned they're very convoluted)
- in general i'm shocked he straight out announced a relationship but then again it is in his personality. but still he's a celebrity and i would classify him to be an idol so a lot of his fanbase is made up of fangirls who believe they have a chance.
- it's a brave move from both them cos Luhan may lose his fans. and Guan Xiao Tong will probs get a bunch of hate. a lot of people won't think she's good enough for him since her public image has been dropping over the past year but truth be told she has more merit in the entertainment industry considering she's been working for 15+years. but she hasn't broken out of the child actor mould yet (but she's only 20)
- the comments were much more civil than i expected. i thought there would be more hate directed towards Guan Xiao Tong. but perhaps i don't need to worry about her. or maybe they were downvoted. or maybe they're on her weibo.
- there is an age gap but Guan Xiao Tong does seem to be mature. but still like many others i didn't expect her. i mean i don't really think about who celebrities might be dating but when i saw the news i was like "wait what? Guan Xiao Tong? let me double check with other sources"
comments on Luhan and Guan Xiao Tong's announcement are in the next post.