Huang Lei who welcomed his third child spoke about his understanding of marriage. He expressed he is expressed opposed to the idea husband and wife are family. He believes "family is family, my mum is my family, my dad is my family, my precious daughter is my family, but my wife is my lover. She is different!"
1. [+15772] Together not due to kinship but love
2. [+10679] Correct. To be lovers for life is correct
3. [+6605] Huang Lei's mouth is running more and more
4. [+5214] I'm not a big fan of Huang Lei, too refined, always lecturing. I guess it's a teacher's occupational disease.
5. [+2425] This f*cker. He's been annoying recently.
6. [+2269] To speak the truth, this is a bit too much, Teacher Huang
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