Huang Lei's wife gives birth to third child! Add a little prince, complete with son and daughter! Director Wang Jun announced the good news on behalf of Huang Lei, "Today at 8:55, my godson was born! 3.3kg!" In the afternoon, Huang Lei also posted a status hinting the good occasion was coming. Previously, Huang Lei was spotted at an maternity hospital in Shenzhen organising a VIP room. Sun Li may be giving birth in Hong Kong but completing postpartum confinement in Shenzhen.
1. [+41699] They can afford it, education must be good, in the future they will be a talented person. We who don't like it can't afford it, don't understand how to educate, only how to reproduce. Congratulations
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2. [+23207] All just for a son, why else would they have three!!!
3. [+18118] They have the capabilities to allow themselves, their family to enjoy a better, higher quality life. There's nothing wrong
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4. [+13570] It's a joyous event, should be congratulated. But I still get the feeling if it wasn't a son they wouldn't stop
5. [+6441] What about family planning?
6. [+5712] I still find him annoying
7. [+5413] In this era, if it was a daughter no one would say anything! It's a son so people say a boy is being favoured over a girl! Who doesn't want it to be complete with a boy and girl? Besides they have the ability to support them.
I thought there would be more comments about the one child policy. Perhaps the positive comments are because Huang Lei is relatively well liked, a family man with strong moral and educational values. If it were another celebrity I'm sure there would be more negative particularly since this is not a second but a third child.