On the 18th, at the Singer 2018 live recording, Hong Tao [T/N: producer] announces due to special circumstances Li Quan is a temporary replacement. On the day of the recording, GAI who could not be found confirmed his withdrawal. Jessie J appeared on stage stopping rumours of her withdrawal. In regards to news of Hua Chen Yu being the replacement, Su Shi Ding did not deny but stated "if he comes I'll be quite happy".
1. [+14691] Those who don't want GAI to withdraw send this to the top!!
2. [+12867] I'm not GAI's fan but recently I heard 沧海一声笑 and 天干物燥 and he's not bad. And he's doing quite well with his girlfriend. I'm not saying other's aren't good enough but as an ordinary person he's quite good.
3. [+5065] GAI's singing is quite good, sign
4. [+3800] Anticipating Hua Chen Yu
![[可爱] [可爱]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/14/tza_org.gif)
5. +4287] sign. Originally the one I was anticipating the most was GAI
6. [+2726] Anticipating Hua Chen Yu
7. [+2525] OMG!!!!!! Hua Hua is coming!!!!!!!!!
I didn't watch Singer 2017 because it was so messy. I was really looking forward to Singer 2018 but it's started again.
The PG One scandal (lyrics and affair with Li Xiao Lu) is having an unbelievable effect on the Chinese hip-hop community.
I really like Hua Chen Yu and am really keen to see him join but not at the expense of GAI and honestly Hua should be cast from the start not be here to replace someone.